Monday, November 26, 2012

38 Weeks

I had my 38 week appointment last week and again my fundal height was measuring small. The measurement was 30cm, down from 31cm the previous week. I was 1-2cm dilated and 50% effaced. An ultrasound was ordered, which I had today (Monday). The ultrasound showed the baby's abdomen circumference to be about 3weeks behind what it should be. All other measurements of the head, femur, blood flow and amniotic fluid were normal. This is very similar to what happened with Samuel. This time, though, since I am over 38weeks along, the doctor recommended I have the baby by the end of the week. I will call tomorrow to schedule my induction for Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. Last night and today I have felt Braxton Hicks contractions for the first time. I didn't really have them/notice them with Samuel. We are excited and a little stressed about meeting our new little boy this week!

38 weeks

Our little one's cute face! Side profile on left, front on lips, nose and hand shot on the right.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Mom's visit and my 32nd Birthday

Rides at Busch Gardens!

Enjoying the animal show

Samuel's favorite ride!


yay! drop the clothespin!

wearing mama's shoes

Samuel's big boy room

big boy bed

September 2012

enjoyed the toys at the condo :)

hollywood beach, fl

saying farewell to the bronco

bye bye bronco!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

30 week update

30 weeks, Sabbath after Brandon's sermon
10 weeks (or less hopefully) until we meet our new baby! Since the third trimester started, I have felt more of the aches and pains of pregnancy that I remember from last time. Mild wrist pain, leg cramps, round ligament pains and heartburn have gotten more frequent, but nothing major compared to my first pregnancy. The body is an amazing adaptable thing!

I passed my gestational diabetes screening, but found out my bloodwork showed slight anemia. I have gained about 25lbs so far, maybe a little less than last pregnancy (trying to keep it under 40! :)). I have an ultrasound scheduled for next week (Oct 10/32weeks) to check on the baby's growth. This extra ultrasound is just a precaution since Samuel didn't grow properly at the end of my last pregnancy. I'll also start seeing the doctor more frequently, every two weeks, for a while. I can't believe we are already this close to the end! Thanks to my mom visiting this last week we are also more ready for this little one to come! Samuel's big boy room is pretty much done, and he is doing better in his bed. Little brother's room is arranged and has window coverings and other basics. I also finally painted our Master bathroom and updated the fixtures. Mom helped put out some fall decor. Things are getting checked off.

There are so many people I know that are due before me that I am using them as a countdown also. So far one friend at church, due beginning of October, has had her baby (check). Then we have cousin-in-law Andrea in October, cousin Elizabeth in November, and another friend from church mid-November. Then it will be my turn!! In a few weeks I will schedule our hospital tour. It is a new hospital and I want Samuel to see it ahead of time. 

Friday, September 28, 2012

Belly Update 22wks/27wks

22 weeks

27 weeks
See posts from Archive Oct 8 and Nov 6 2010 for comparison belly photos.

August 2012

drawing time

just a little shopping

first time at a salon


I'll get that myself

petting donkey


Florida vacation condo

Thursday, August 2, 2012

21 Weeks & Boy #2

Here are ultrasound photos from the anatomy scan this week. Baby boy #2 is looking healthy and growing steadily. I've been able to feel him move for a few weeks now (maybe since 18 weeks or so?). HR was around 144bpm I think.

 I am feeling well, just a bit more tired and hungry than usual. But since 2nd trimester started this pregnancy has been much easier painwise. I'm so thankful for that, since having the energy to keep up with a toddler is hard enough! 1st trimester was a bit worse I would say than last time, but the sickness ended earlier this time (around 14weeks). I mainly crave carbs and don't have an appetite for chinese, mexican or thai food unfortunately. Sweets are okay now, but not my main craving. Heartburn bothers me a little. With Samuel sitting on the potty more now and my tiny bladder I feel like I spend a lot of time in the bathroom! My belly definitely popped out earlier this time as did my belly button (around 15wks). I have gained between 11-15 lbs so far, which I am fine with. Brandon felt the baby kick last week for the first time. Unfortunately I only have 2 belly shots so far and they are pretty bad! I will get Brandon to take some this weekend.

16 wks
20 wks
For comparison posts, see the Archive end of Sept early Oct 2010.